Al-Islam Specialist Hospital or formerly known as the Kampong Baru Medical Center (KBMC) was developed as one of the programs Da'wah Bil-Hal Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM) program through the ABIM Health Bureau. The planning started from the beginning of 1992. With a strategic location, opposite Mosque (Masjid Jamek Kg. Baru) and located in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, KBMC was built with the hope of fardu kifayah as well as combining economic and da'wah aspects.
10th year celebration of KBMC (2006), KBMC has promoted a concept of hospitality-friendly hospitals, namely "Hospital Friendly Worship". We try our best to provide professional and excellent service and constantly improve our services to patients. Currently KBMC has been named Al-Islam Specialist Hospital or Al-Islam Specialist Hospital where KBMC re-branding on August 24, 2008
Al-Islam Specialist Hospital was conceived with intention of combining the economic and welfare aspect for the community with the aims to provide the best services to the patients.

Message from Directors' Desk

Dr. Ishak b Mas'ud
Hospital Director
Dr. Suhaimi b. Hj. Abd. Halim
Medical Director
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
And warmest greetings from Al Islam Specialist Hospital
We are committed to become an outstanding specialist hospital with services that are
Excellent, Professional and Caring.
Our objective is to provide medical specialist services to all level of the society at reasonable cost and to carry out 'dakwah' activities particularly in health education.
Al-Islam Specialist Hospital aims for providing the best services to the patients through the Ibadah Friendly Hospital Program. The program uses a holistic method in taking into account of all aspect including physical and mental, psychological, spiritual and worship services in providing treatment to patients.
We welcome and continue to serve you better.
Al-Islam Specialist Hospital is hospital for Malaysians and International patients.